
Showing posts from January, 2020

Antecedent of Low Self-esteem

Many are reluctant to face challenge, they have the mindset that they don't have a place with the gathering of extraordinary achievers, they believe they don't have anything to offer, they have low mentality attitude and can't think big about their future, all this can be attributed to low self-esteem which affect the direction of your decision and far you can get in life. There are lots of things that can be attributed to the antecedent of low Self-esteem, we have discussed some in the previous article and now we would be looking at few others; 4. Body physique, structure and composition: The buildup of one’s body can make one feel downgraded or that “one does not belong”. Some feel that they are too fat or obese and tend to start starving themselves wanting to belong, some feel they are not beautiful enough, or not muscular enough, or your body composition is not really attractive like others and start having a feeling of low self-worth. You must love your ph...

who are your association

Don't be decieve your association can influence your personality. He who walk with the wise is wise but he who walk with fools would become one. Associate with persons that can build you and bring out the best in you not those who would beliitle and degrade you bringing you down to nothing.


Without proper self-valuing, we cannot pursue meaningful things instead we are in the web of devaluing ourselves and doing nothing meaningful to boast their value thereby at the risk of not fulfilling their true potentials. These ones have not taken initiative to set goal and pursue it or even when they do, they do not put effort to pursue them. Prerequisites of low self-esteem is the causes of low self-esteem and this could be hard to identify, there is no one cause for everybody that is people suffer from low self-esteem for variety of reasons. We would be looking at some factors that causes low self-esteem; 1. Negligent/ uninvolved parents: Parents have a role to play in the kind of self-esteem their children develop either high or low self-esteem. They can contribute to this by many factors which includes; • Comparison by parent: Many parents compare their children either between themselves or with other people. They tend to say words like “why can't you be more lik...