Agonia Virus

"Agonia virus has kept many people with great destiny in a state of nonentity, destroyed great visions, ideas, purpose. It is not a respecter of persons. " Virus is an organism that is capable of causing harm to the individual. The uniqueness of this virus is that it can last throughout your lifetiime without you noticing its existence. It major aim is to steal your true identity, the life God destined you to live, the purpose of your existence, your happiness and fulfillment, and replace it with a false identity of who you are. This virus is called 'Agonia' and the family of 'Phronema' a subfamily of Ignoranus. It has kept many people stagnant simply because they don't know. Agonia virus affects your mindset. Its causative agent is called Ignorance. Agonia is classified into three groups; Ignorance A; this virus affects your thinking capacity. It leads you to a state of numbness, where you become inactive simply becaus...