You Worth it
Failure to believe in yourself is the inability to trust in your true worth and value. I couldn't believe in myself for quite a while and it influenced the choices I made, It had sway on the moves I made. I couldn't see my inherent worth and value, I acknowledged the negative and self dismissing message I got as a child. I felt I could have done something to change or stop the child abuse, I could not hear my own voice, I compared the choices I made to that of others, I felt their opinion was better. I was afraid to speak all because I could not believe in myself. I listened to the lies that came to my thought.
Absence of confidence or trust in yourself is obstructing the riches, opportunity, sway you need to make or Impact you want to create.
You don't confide in yourself, since you continually beat yourself up for not doing "enough". You chase for answers for inspiration issues, since you don't believe yourself to do the things you realize you should. You worry about making structure in your life to shield yourself from yourself. It's a great opportunity to get off those untruths except if they will annihilate your life and destiny.
You can't accomplish anything sensible until you start having faith in yourself. Its time to say no to those lies that fills your head. It's time to change your mindset, your heart needs to be renewed no wonder the bible say but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Damned those negative thought, negative pictures, filter them out of your mind and embrace the real you, the original picture God has for you.
Thanks for this