Appreciate Yourself and your uniqueness; Key to overcoming Low self-esteem
Appreciate yourself and your uniqueness. No two persons has the same genetic composition or physique even identical twins have their disparity. God created everyone unique and dynamic in their own special way. You must learn to appreciate yourself, ideas, potential. You are the best of your kind. I felt I was not good enough, everyone’s opinion was important but mine was not relevant and this kept me from actually living out my life rather living the life people wanted me to. I had to sit down and wrote down certain things about myself, I saw that I had lots of potentials that I could not really discover because I wanted to be what others wanted me to be. The fact is that if you don't define your life others will. Everything starting from your physique, body structure and the likes are perfect fit for you in fulfilling your purpose. The bible talked about a master who gave his servant different talents to work on but while others were utilizing their own talent, one of ...