Keys to overcoming Low self-esteem: Discover who you are

         Discover your true identity
The manufacturer/ Creator (God) took his time to create you. He created you because he saw that there is a problem of the world is looking for a solution for, and he encoded and endowed you with the solution to the world's problem.
 Get to understand yourself, your uniqueness and potentials. Realize that you are not inferior, there is something special about you. Take a deep breath, sit down, and meditate, you would discover a lot about yourself. Look at those things you can do, note them, gradually you will know some certain things about yourself that would amaze you. Don’t let others define who you are.  
You were created for a specific reason, you are not a nonentity. The creator had a specific reason for bringing you into existence even before you were thought of being conceived by your parents. A manufacturer always have a reason for every product he produces, and he expects the product to accomplish its reason for creation.
You will underestimate yourself and keep walking in mediocrity until you discover who you are, it’s there inherent of you. God told Jeremiah that before he was born, he had already destined him to be a prophet. What were you destined to achieve or bring forth to this generation. Until you understand your making and where you fit in, you will keep underestimating your potentials that has been locked up inside you. There are pointers that will point you to identify your reason for existence they include; ask the manufacturer that is the creator who is God, he has in his hands the assignment he has designed you to fulfil, look at the burden you have on the inside, what do you see that makes you angry or you are comfortable with it, some people could be that they don’t like mediocrity, they like excellence, some could be politics they don’t like the way things are being done, look at what you have passion for, understand your whole story, the things you pass through, what was I delivered from and how do I deliver others who are still in this cage, your background and others for there in your story is captured part of what God will do in your life, look at your gifting and talent; what are my potentials, what do are do with ease those are tools to your reason for existence. Take your time and begin to discover who you are. 
Have you discovered those potentials inside of you. Its inherent...
This is my turn around point from Low self-esteem. I started discovery things I overlooked or did not notice which started building my self esteem.
Stay in tune for the next tip by Monday next week.
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