The Exchange

On the path to destiny you must have a focus so you don’t drift from the path of destiny and end up truncating your destiny. Many people start out but because of unhealthy competition and comparison they lose focus from that God given destiny and that is why you must have a clear cut vision of who you are, what you are meant to do, where you are going and how you will get there. There is a blueprint for your life written by the creator God. Circumstances, failure, ignorance, background, obstacle may have kept you in a place where you are not supposed to be thereby depriving you from manifesting that magnificent destiny. But that should not make you exchange your outstanding destiny for a low grade one. Exchange is a state of giving or taking one thing in return for another. It is a process of substituting one thing for another. Exchange can be classified in two fold known as OP; Original: This is the process of exchanging the counterfeit for the original. This im...