How to tackle Obstacles/ Challenges and bounce back to Grit and Grace.

Your perception about the storm would determine your reaction and the final outcome. Some people's perception about a storm or obstacle is that, its a puzzle that needs to be solved, some see it as a stepping stone to greatness, to another, it might be seen as a threat or failure. Whatever your perception is, it has a long way to show the steps or actions you will take when this obstacles come up.
The fact is that there will always be storms but how you handle it is what makes the difference. 
Extract from last weeks post

How to tackle Obstacles/ Challenges and bounce back to Grit and Grace.

What you see is what you become, and what you perceive is what you attracts.

You must have the mindset that you are not the storm and that its only for a season.
Darkness occurs only in the night, it won't last forever because, the morning season will soon come. 

You need to begin to see storm as a way to build and make you a better version of yourself. 

When you remain calm and have a positive mindset, you’re able to understand your situation, perfectly! 

But without this, you won't be able to identify or Understand the relevance and significance of the unforeseen events that have occurred.

There is a need for you to take a stop and reflect on what obstacle really is, By this, you will understand the way forward and then bounce back to achieving your goals.

You can always go to God in prayers, He would give you ideas on how to overcome the challenge, trust me!

You may want to wallow in self-pity and unknownly develop the urge to give up because of the storm. 

When you take some time off, it gives you the opportunity to bounce back and put things in order.

Don't allow obstacles deprive you from achieving your goals and fulfilling your purpose. 


Set plans that you can achieve. You could break your goals into smaller ones so as to make it easier to run with.

When you see it all laid out, identify every potential obstacles and consider any potential alternate paths to reaching your goal.


There are lots of people who have gone through what you are facing right now, its advisible to seek counsel from them on how they were able to tackle their challenges. Although, strategy may differs, but you can always get ideas on how to maneuver you way.

I will also encourage you read good books that has a focus on what you are going through.

Remember, for every greatness, there is always an obstacle to overcome.
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  1. This came at the right time , am always inspired . Thanks so much

  2. This came at the right time , am always inspired . Thanks so much


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