The Centrifugal Force; the push for greater exploit

You may be tired of the state you currently are in, you may want changes in your life, business, career or even in your relationship.

Sir Newton in one of his laws stated; an object would remain at rest unless an external forces acts on it. Your life would not take shape until an external or different approach is acted upon. Why keep trying the old method or approach and expect a different result, you need to change your approach to get a different result.

We have people complain about life, jobs, relationships, work-life, unfulfilling life and challenges but are not ready to take a new approach to get a good result. You may be in this shoe. However, it is not just about taking a new approach but taking approaches that would yield great result.

I am of the opinion that in every challenge or circumstance there is a lesson one can learn to use, avoid downfalls and even do better.

The Centrifugal force is that extra push or force needed to get the desired result. There are many wishers and not many doers. You have wished for too long, you have written lots of things you want to do, how long would you keep waiting to venture into them, you need to start now. 
Yours may  not be visions, it may be character,  bad habit, low self-esteem, how long would you wallow in self-pity and self-regret, how long  will keep nurturing these habit, they will only cause a dent to your beauty and life. How long will you allow those past mistakes, traumas, hurts and circumstances or challenges deprive you of the bright future that lie ahead of you? I had low self-esteem which limited my life; I was still in its cage until I broke out.
 Stay tune for next week to have the full glimpse and understanding of what you need to move to the next level.
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