Strategies for Greater Exploit
There is what you can know that can make you relevance. There are lots of treasures inside of you but they would have to be refined to be valuable and relevant.
However, their are keys that can unlock greatness in you and make you valuable and they include;
Right Perception: lot of people have been limited by lack of this ingredient. The way you perceive yourself May not actually be who you are but it would determine who you become. The level you are now is not far from your perception. God told Abraham that "as far as you can see be it unto you". You become as far as you can see. A certain blind man in the era of Jesus had to be dealt with for him to function properly, firstly he saw men like trees, Jesus had to tell him to look again before he saw men as men. What are you seeing? Are you seeing yourself as tree, or someone irrelevant, useless and unimportant? Perception is the way one sees himself/ herself, substance, actions or steps or things he engages in. it is the way you understand a thing or yourself. You are not far from what you think and understand. For you to achieve greatness, your perception must be dealt with, that doubt and disbelief in oneself must be handled. You can achieve what you want if right perceptions are put in place, right steps or approach coupled with God’s backing.
Dimensionality: This is having a clear understanding of who you are, what you can do, what you were created to do, where you were created to function and how you were created to function. You have what matters to you deeply, what brings sense of being valuable and useful to you in the world which is different from the next person. The problem in the world that hurts you, traumas you went you and your conquered in life, your special and unique amazing talents and gifts, your personality, the way you operate and lots more coupled with the God your manufacturer can give you a clear understanding of yourself. You cannot create meaning or fulfill purpose if you don’t understand yourself and know your role on earth at a very deep level. For this to be effectively done, right perception have to come in place, you have to be healed from those trauma that can stand as an obstacle. If there is a wrong perception about yourself you cannot really get to the heart of who you are, what makes you and your role here on earth.
Principles and Standards: This is having laid down guidelines which are well spelled out, that guides and govern your life, restraining you from doing certain things and allows you vent into others. They are rules that influence your action and help you determine what is wrong and good. A man without principles and standard guiding his life would end up limiting his life and climbing to certain height in life and destiny. What principle guides your life, career, business, relationship, what you do and the likes? If you don’t have principles people would trample on you, control your life for you and end up living your life for you. A person without principles or standards backing his daily walk is one who is disorderly and can achieve little or nothing. They are laydown guidelines that govern your life for effective functioning and progress. You must have principles and values that governs your life and be disciplined to follow them. Learn to say no where and when necessary and stick to it. No matter how well you think you know yourself, if you don’t have principles and values guiding your life, you may fail to become who you are and fall for every distraction. Set down principles for every area of your life; be discipline to hold firmly to them and be flexible to change when necessary.
Separation: This is the act or process of disconnecting from certain things, people or habit and making a distinction between your core values, what you want, who you are, purpose, importance and necessity from the unwanted and irrelevant. The good news is that if you must move forward and achieve greatness, you must be ready to separate yourself from certain things and people which would drag you back and prevent you from moving forward. In chemistry we have want we call filtration whereby a substance or element is filtered; you get the chaff and the wanted substance. Let go to our daily living, if you are familiar with the kitchen you would know sieve which we use to sieve garri, rice, flour to remove either lump or water. Anyone who wants to achieve greatness must be ready to bifurcate between what he wants from what he does not want, what is important from the unnecessary, areas to improve and develop, the association to keep, what to let go and what to go for. The state you are now may simply be as a result of the things you have refused to let go, the things you have refused to work on, habits you have created and association you have kept. It’s time to do a check analysis; what do you need to work on, what do you need to let go, and what do you need to get.
Step Forward: This is the process or state of putting a thought, idea or step to achieve the desirable. It is very important to realize that the desire you want won’t just fall on your lap or come into place, you have to take a step; you have to go out and be proactive to achieve the desirable. Those desires would remain wishes and won’t materialize until appropriate steps are taken. This involve 4Cs; Clarity, Confidence, Courage and Connections. These 4C's won’t just happen, you have to take time to build yourself and work on your attitude so as to enable you create and attract what you want.
Reflection: This is the process of carefully analyzing and examining the steps taken and the steps needed to be taken. You must take out time to examine your life if you are in line with what you want. Sometimes we get too busy to reflect and allow distractions to take us from the main focus. Always learn to take a pause and reflect over your life to know what you are doing appropriately, what you are not doing right and if distractions have crippled in. a great man reflects his steps to prevent he from falling into the pit he once fall and enable him take better step to avoid those pitfalls.
Divinity: This is the act of engaging God in the total affair of your life and allowing him have the final say. You cannot go real far if you discard or subtract God from the equation of your life. You may say many people are making it without God, yes but you cannot get sustainable and complete greatness without him. He gives you the full package, greatness, riches, peace, health and even more than you can think or imagine. He reveals to you the path you should go and guides you those the path so you won’t have mistakes or fall into traps and pit. He gives you a flavor that makes you stand out and have favor with men.
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Oh my! Thanks for these keys.