personal development a key to overcoming low self-esteem
Developing oneself are strategies put in place to improve yourself physically, mentally or Spiritually. It is very essential for anyone who wants to be relevant and of great impact. This is a lifetime journey, because there is always a need to be better than yesterday which calls for continuous development of oneself. It is getting aware or increasing your knowledge and getting mastery in a particular area or subject. Our actions are tied down to the knowledge we have. Developing oneself could mean building or renewing one's self-esteem or identity. This enhances the quality of one's life and the actualization of their goals. You could learn a skill, go for training that would develop yourself, read a book. You must focus on Constant improvement. One thing is to discover your purpose, change your mindset, appreciate your uniqueness but if you don't develop yourself you would remain at the level of mediocrity. This was one area that helped me build my self-esteem, I read books, worked on myself, did both online and life training which I'm still engaging in. You must develop yourself in all ramifications both physically (How do I take care of my body, eat healthy, stay healthy, dress well, how do I offer solution to a problem and the likes), mentally (developing good thinking habit, study habit, deploying ideas and lots more) and Spiritually (how can I increase my relationship with the creator).
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Great job dear