Dealing with Impostor Syndrome

Have you felt that you are not worth your achievement or it came as a result of luck when in the real sense you got all it takes to achieve that? Do you feel pressured to prove a point? Do you doubt your capabilities? Do you feel like belonging? Are you sensitive to constructive criticism? Do you downplay your own expertise, even in areas where you are genuinely more skilled than others? Do you agonize over  the smallest mistakes or flaws you make?
These are only signs of the syndrome known as THE IMPOSTER SYNDROME.
This syndrome is a state where you feel you don't deserve the success you have achieved. It is a feeling of fraudulence, that is, a feeling that you are giving a wrong identity or impression about yourself.
Imposter Syndrome is a feeling of inadequacy or dearth that persist even when information that indicates its opposite is correct is available. 
It is a feeling that you are not good enough, smart enough, you don't worth the success or achievements and you are only trying to act as though these are true. It is a feeling of being guilty of what you are innocent of.
You may have this syndrome and not know, yet you could identify it in others.
This syndrome could manifest in form of Self-doubt, anxiety, complacency, overachievement, fear of not living up to expectation, attributing your success to external factor and not as a result of the internal factor which is the main reason, inability to realize your competence and skills, low self-esteem, pressure to prove a point, setting unrealistic goals, self sabotage and feeling disappointed when these goals don't  cross the border reality.
The problem with this syndrome is that the experience of doing well at something does nothing to change your perception. Even though you  sail through a performance and did tremendously well or have lunch with coworkers, the thought still persist in your head, "What gives me the right to be here?" The more you accomplish, the more you just feel like a fraud giving false impression to others. It's as though you can't internalize your experiences of success. You have not realized the worth you were created with.
This syndrome could be as a result of past experiences, repercussion of your mistakes or flaws, trauma, comparison and criticism by parents, peer influence, low self-esteem.
      How to overcome Imposter Syndrome
We are God's workmanship created unto good works, he took his time to make you wonderful and implanted in you treasures that are of high worth. We were not created to just be average, you must walk in the consciousness of this reality.
1. Acknowledgement: You must know what you are feeling and why you are feeling this way. You must know that you are human and are prone to mistakes. You must acknowledge your uniqueness and that you don't need to prove a point to show your worth. Then begin to counter the feeling as they come. You must know that you are special and worthy far more than rubies.
2. Discover your place: Discover who you are in God's map, what gifts he placed inside of you, what burdens he equipped you with, where is he calling you to function. Know your place and stick to it.
3. Understanding: it's not enough to discover but you must also get understanding and clarity of where you are going, your strength, weakness, uniqueness. You must understand your makeup. God can give you a clear understanding of yourself, get a mentor, develop yourself, learn more skills that can be beneficial to your place.
4. Sharing: A saying goes "a problem shared is a problem half solved but I would add, a problem shared with the right person can be halfway solved because a wrong person can complicate the matter. You could share how you feel with a counsellor, trusted friend, seek advice from right source, you could listen to messages of people who has gone through what you are going through, read books.
5. Uncompetitive Approach: You must know that you are in no competition with anyone, so there is no need trying to compare yourself with anybody. You are in no relay with anyone, so follow the blueprint the manufacturer has for your life. Take a step at a time. Never give up, you are valuable.

Remember that if you are feeling like an impostor or inadequacy, it implies you have some degree of success in your life that you are attributing to luck. Turn the feeling into one of gratitude. Look at what you have accomplished in your life and be grateful to God.

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  1. 😤🤦🙇 I am blessed, change thanks a lot. God bless

  2. Truly revelational, eye opening, helpful and timely,. Thanks for being a source of inspiration to me and others. Remain a Star


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