The peculiarity of the Distinct Sound

Every one has a peculiar features which may sometimes look similar to another but it’s just unique to that individual. There is a distinguishing character you have that another does not have. That's why no two people can have the exact same behavior.
There is something that is just special for you beyond your physical look. Have you every wondered why you look different from other people? Even identical twins still have a distinguish factor that would differentiate one from the other. 
There is a sound that only you can release to the world. It was specially drafted in you during your formation by God. Every sound have a meaning and purpose which would benefit a specific audience. 
God told Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:5; "I knew you before you were formed within your mother's womb; before you were born I sanctified you and appointed you as my spokesman to the world."
You were appointed to give a sound to the world, in a unique style. You would notice that two persons may be working in the same office, given the same tasks but they function in different way, they have their different style of action or deployment.
Flute would not give the same sound as saxophone or trumpet. However, you have a sound that only you can give in your unique way. 
Don't let the circumstances or the veil that becloud you make you feel you have nothing to offer. You are a beautiful and special kind of breed and the world await your manifestation.
Your peculiarity would determine the kind of sound you make, why you make it, how you make it, where you make it and with what (resources) you make it. You must first of all understand yourself, what are those unique features you have. No matter how a saxophone tries, it can't be like or function or replace keyboard. Your unique features when discovered would make you release your sound with ease. 
Your Sound is your message. It is the assignment God has destined you to do on earth. You have something to offer and the world awaits it.

So what Next?
The peculiarity of your sound is your discovery the assignment God has for you to do on earth, the role you were created to play and those packages, gifts, talent he placed inside of you.

Discover your sound: It is only the manufacturer that can clearly give you the features of his product and how it functions. Go to God let him reveal to you the sound you are to give to the world.
Discover yourself: Many people don't know themselves. I would ask you, do you really Know yourself? Do you even have time for yourself? Do you enjoy your own company or you deprive joy only from the company of others. Sit down and study yourself you would discover that unique and special thing about you, your gifts, talents and potentials.  Don't let the noise of the world becloud you. Your peculiarity is tied to what you have discovered. To every assignment, the requisite instrument or potentials needed to accomplish the task is deposited inside you.

It is when you have discovered your purpose on earth which is your sound and discovered those talent God placed inside you that you can fully understand your peculiarity. 
A Sound could either be noise or music depending on the melody it gives. Noise are sound that are meaningless which do not have value or add meaning to a place or society while Music are sound that brings meaning, impact and value to the world or society. Stay tune for the melodious sound.
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  1. Light!!
    I am so in love with this series.
    Very enlightening.


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