
Showing posts from 2020

Positioning Yourself for Greatness

You are not destined to be a weakling, continually weeping for cover, assurance and used articles. You are not here as a pointless weakling, you are a victor. You are not God's reconsideration. You are not a mishap, but rather you are God's unique thought. Despite the difficulties that you face, to   you have a place in destiny. You have enormity/ greatness bound-up in your ligaments and there are astounding prospects in your bones and considerations. Try not to quit or lose heart. Have fearlessness, strength and certainty. Have confidence in God, yet in addition believe in yourself, what you have and can do. The things you face are little tests en route to demonstrate your dedication and hone your battling edge.  Through grinding a blade is honed. Through difficulty your greatness and significant is uncovered. Make today the start of an incredible remainder. Decide to ascend, stand up and set out to challenge your cutoff points or limit. Greatness doesn...

Strategies for Greater Exploit

There is what you can know that can make you relevance. There are lots of treasures inside of you but they would have to be refined to be valuable and relevant. However, their are keys that can unlock greatness in you and make you valuable and they include; Right Perception: lot of people have been limited by lack of this ingredient. The way you perceive yourself May not actually be who you are but it would determine who you become. The level you are now is not far from your perception. God told Abraham that "as far as you can see be it unto you". You become as far as you can see. A certain blind man in the era of Jesus  had to be dealt with for him to function properly, firstly he saw men like trees, Jesus had to tell him to look again before he saw men as men. What are you seeing? Are you seeing yourself as tree, or someone irrelevant, useless and unimportant? Perception is the way one sees himself/ herself, substance, actions or steps or things he e...

The Centrifugal Force; the push for greater exploit

You may be tired of the state you currently are in, you may want changes in your life, business, career or even in your relationship. Sir Newton in one of his laws stated; an object would remain at rest unless an external forces acts on it. Your life would not take shape until an external or different approach is acted upon. Why keep trying the old method or approach and expect a different result, you need to change your approach to get a different result. We have people complain about life, jobs, relationships, work-life, unfulfilling life and challenges but are not ready to take a new approach to get a good result. You may be in this shoe. However, it is not just about taking a new approach but taking approaches that would yield great result. I am of the opinion that in every challenge or circumstance there is a lesson one can learn to use, avoid downfalls and even do better. The Centrifugal force is that extra push or force needed to get the desired result. There ar...

5 ways to scale through when all hope seem to be lost

There are moments when dark time will arise, the road may not seem straight every moment, you may sometimes feel like giving up but there will always be hope. We would go through many trials, its just a matter of time, whether family financial, relationship or anything else, there are many times you will feel like all hope is lost. Where do you turn to during the period of trial? What do you do when all of your hopes are seemingly gone?  This is something that I go through too. There are times or moments where I just feel so hopeless and down thinking if there is a way out. Of course, I know that there is still hope. I know that God loves me nonetheless, that it's not the end, but sometimes the feeling is just inevitable. One tragedy is to loose hope in yourself, in life or in situations happening around you. When there is life, there is hope. To every problem, there is a solution or a way out of it and it’s entirely possible to get out of a hopeless situation. What do ...

Unleashing the Real You

What Sound are you producing, is it melodious, is it making an impact, is it solving a problem, is it rendering services? A Sound could either be noise or music depending on the melody it gives. Noise is a sound thats meaningless and do not have value or add meaning to a place or society while music is a sound that brings meaning, impact and value to the world or society.  Melodious Sounds are sound that produce quality and pleasant value to the listener or hearers. Its not in the quantity of things you do but its in the quality, how are those things adding value to yourself and others? The quality of a Sound is determined by the quality and sophistication of the instrument and the player of the instrument. The quality of your value is determined by the quality of your expertise or how skilled you are in the area of value and your character or approach towards rendering services or adding value. Don't do things for the sake of doing things, but offer value. Why do you d...

The peculiarity of the Distinct Sound

Every one has a peculiar features which may sometimes look similar to another but it’s just unique to that individual. There is a distinguishing character you have that another does not have. That's why no two people can have the exact same behavior. There is something that is just special for you beyond your physical look. Have you every wondered why you look different from other people? Even identical twins still have a distinguish factor that would differentiate one from the other.  There is a sound that only you can release to the world. It was specially drafted in you during your formation by God. Every sound have a meaning and purpose which would benefit a specific audience.  God told Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:5; "I knew you before you were formed within your mother's womb; before you were born I sanctified you and appointed you as my spokesman to the world." You were appointed to give a sound to the world, in a unique style. You would notice that two p...

The Distinct Sound

No two persons have the same DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) even identical twins, in the same way no two persons have the same destiny even if they may look alike. Our unique difference makes the world  an interesting place. If everyone in the world were doing the same thing, it would be boring, deficient of lots of treasure and values and it would lack fun. Distinct Sound is the sound or Value you play or contribute to make the world a better place. In Keyboard, every key has its own sound it give, purpose of the sound, where it's needed or functions and when it functions. So in you is placed a sound (value or treasures) that is expendit of you to contribute to the world for the proper functioning of it.  In Music, sound distinctive, refers to its capability of changing the meaning of a word. Naturally, single sounds cannot carry any meaning. "B" or "P", for example, are meaningless utterances. But when several distinct sounds are assembled to a word, ...

8 Ways to Re-energize and Move Forward

There comes a time where you feel like giving up. You have been overwhelmed with the failure your've had, the mistakes you've made and the past trauma. Sometimes, it may seem hard to let go of these things because they keep feeding your head. But do you know what? it's because you have allowed them take a better part of you. Do you feel stuck and you think there is nothing life has to offer? It's time to let go off those negative voices inside of you and embrace the big picture God has. Everyone get to this point when they feel like giving up their dreams. Even the most successful people sometimes get to this point. It's human to be weary and tired but never give up neither on yourself nor your dreams because God has not given up on you. I know it might be hard to move forward when those storms come up and you lose hope, confidence, motivation and assurance of the future but you must hold on to the big picture. I know we could be tempted to put the blame...

How to tackle Obstacles/ Challenges and bounce back to Grit and Grace.

Your perception about the storm would determine your reaction and the final outcome. Some people's perception about a storm or obstacle is that, its a puzzle that needs to be solved, some see it as a stepping stone to greatness, to another, it might be seen as a threat or failure. Whatever your perception is, it has a long way to show the steps or actions you will take when this obstacles come up. The fact is that there will always be storms but how you handle it is what makes the difference.  Extract from last weeks post How to tackle Obstacles/ Challenges and bounce back to Grit and Grace. 1. POSITIVE MINDSET:  What you see is what you become, and what you perceive is what you attracts. You must have the mindset that you are not the storm and that its only for a season. Darkness occurs only in the night, it won't last forever because, the morning season will soon come.  You need to begin to see storm as a way to build and make you a b...

Overcoming the Obstacle; How to bounce back to Grit and grace after a storm

We all want an amazing life, We all set goals and plans to implement them, but somewhere along the line, obstacles or challenges arises.  However, your perception about the storm would determine your reaction and the final outcome. Some people's perception about a storm or obstacle is that, its a puzzle that needs to be solved, some see it as a stepping stone to greatness, to another, it might be seen as a threat or failure. Whatever your perception is, it has a long way to show the steps or actions you will take when this obstacles come up. The fact is that there will always be storms but how you handle it is what makes the difference.  Tough times don't always last, turbulent storms would not always be there, but only tough people who are ready to overcome the storm, who are ready to stand the test of time would last. When we look through the mirror of social media, you could easily assume that other people have things working good and easy for them compared to y...

Pause, Breathe, Think

Taking a step backward is as necessary as taking a step forward. The things that are relevant to your destiny and worth pursing are ahead of you and stepping forward towards them will bring positive result. Those who feel they are on the right route are mostly fairly certain that they are moving forward,  and they are on the right path regardless of the obstacles they may face. Taking actions in the fulfilment of your destiny are very crucial. However, there are times where you have to take a pause to reflect on your growth and progress so you don't end up engaging in things that are fruitless to your destiny. In the path of destiny, it is imperative you keep examine your progress, if not, you will think you are progressing when in the real sense, you are stagnant, moving like a rocking chair. It pays to take a break in order to move forward especially when you are not getting the expected result. You need to know what should be cut off, what should be improved and what should be i...

It's not too late

Oh I hear people say how I wish I could fulfill my purpose, oh I wish I could have done this or that. Its not late to start that dream or vision of yours. As long as you are alive there is hope and still lots of things you can achieve. There were people who lost their hands and legs, some even their eyes but they were able to make impact in the world.  What ever position you are now, you can start from there. It is only in the grave that it becomes late. Don't join the number that died with their potentials and talent and deprived the world of its benefits. Everyone's destiny is different and that someone has gone ahead of you does not mean you cant start now and become great. There is no fixed timeline, you can still make the best out of your life and live the life God created you to live.  Now is the day of salvation, now is the day to start living a life of purpose. You have documented a lot about what you want to do, you have seen yourself in the dreams doing g...

The Ultimate Search

A manufacturer of every product, produce it for a special and unique purpose. Until you discover the reason for the product, you would be using it with a false identity or wrongly because of the information you got about the product. The Sooth is the authenticity, uniqueness and originality of a product. It is the actual state of a product. It's a reflection of the true state of a product regardless of the will or consciousness of the person or consumer of the product. God created you in his own image and likeness. You were  fearfully and wonderfully made and until you discover this truth you may continue to live in mediocrity. You were born to dominate, replenish the earth, to be fruitful, impactiful, multiplying  seeds of greatness in the cosmos. However, if you don't realize this truth, you would die like mere men when you are suppose to be a treasure to the world. The world awaits your manifestation, but that does not mean you will manifest, it is only when you...

Silencing the inner critic voice

There is a conversation that's happens on the inside of you, which can either be a stepping stone or a stumbling block. You would agree with me that this voice could be negative or positive. The negative voice has acted as the stumbling block to many lives and destinies.  There are two voices that speaks on the inside of you, one is the nurturing voice which lifts you and the other the critical voice which can pull you down. Each of this voice has their unique purpose and should be at a balanced state. The nurturing voice brings about self-compassion, self-motivation and self-encouragment while the critical voice is expected to make you realize the wrongs you do or get improved but. But you would agree with me that in many, the critical voice has suppressed the nurturing voice making it ineffective. The inner critic voice feeds us with negative thought like you are going to embrass yourself in that presentation, which begins to affect your confidence, you don't know...

Dealing with Impostor Syndrome

Have you felt that you are not worth your achievement or it came as a result of luck when in the real sense you got all it takes to achieve that? Do you feel pressured to prove a point? Do you doubt your capabilities? Do you feel like belonging? Are you sensitive to constructive criticism? Do you downplay your own expertise, even in areas where you are genuinely more skilled than others? Do you agonize over  the smallest mistakes or flaws you make? These are only signs of the syndrome known as THE IMPOSTER SYNDROME. This syndrome is a state where you feel you don't deserve the success you have achieved. It is a feeling of fraudulence, that is, a feeling that you are giving a wrong identity or impression about yourself. Imposter Syndrome is a feeling of inadequacy or dearth that persist even when information that indicates its opposite is correct is available.  It is a feeling that you are not good enough, smart enough, you don't worth the success or achievements an...

5 Ways to get rid of the unwanted in the wight

There is a beautiful yard, which has lots of beautiful treasure in it but a little weed grew, which is usually unwanted in the yard because it acts as a foreign agent which its agenda is to spoil the treasures in the yard making it unattractive. This foreign agent destroyed many wights and if not discarded and burnt it can destroy you. The unwanted is the state by which the abnormal, foreign bodies are present in a yard or wight. It is a condition, when the undesirable, unneedful thing and what should not be welcomed begin to take a grip into a wight.  This unwanted material don't just enter into a wight big, it comes small so it won't be noticed and begins to grow inside the wight and becomes a strong hold. The Wight is You! There are some unwanted things in you that can make you become ugly no matter how beautiful you are if not gotten rid of. They form as strongholds in your life. You must create an environment that would be difficult for this unwanted material t...

The Exchange

On the path to destiny you must have a focus so you don’t drift from the path of destiny and end up truncating your destiny. Many people start out but because of unhealthy competition and comparison they lose focus from that God given destiny and that is why you must have a clear cut vision of who you are, what you are meant to do, where you are going and how you will get there. There is a blueprint for your life written by the creator God.  Circumstances, failure, ignorance, background, obstacle may have kept you in a place where you are not supposed to be thereby depriving you from manifesting that magnificent destiny. But that should not make you exchange your outstanding destiny for a low grade one. Exchange is a state of giving or taking one thing in return for another. It is a process of substituting one thing for another. Exchange can be classified in two fold known as OP;  Original: This is the process of exchanging the counterfeit for the original. This im...

Lighting up the Spark: The Ignition

Ignition is a process of starting the engine, lightening up the fire. It is a state of causing something to start burning or running. A vehicle would not start moving until it engine is ignited. One of Newton’s law of motion states that an object would remain on rest until an external force is added to it. You cannot move forward or achieve greatness until there is a starting up of the engine of your life. You often grow up to forget your connection to the source, God, yourself, the world, those dreams and visions that we have and you focus on what the world wants you to be, digressing from your true purpose on earth. This will only land you in more frustration, depression, dissatisfaction, and nonfulfillment. It’s time to ignite the engine of the car and move in the journey of destiny. Your true identity is not in the circumstances or situation you find yourself, neither is it in what the world want you to be or what those inner critic voices tells you but your true identi...